The President Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO) worldwide Da Gyang Dudu Dalyop on behalf of other executive members rejoices with its indefatigable Secretary General Da Chollom Gyang on the occasion of his birthday.
Dara, you have shown commitment and total dedication towards the Berom project, with this, posterity will certainly be kind to you. As a brain box for this administration, we cherish and admire your style of approach to matters that concerns the land.
You have proven to be true son of the land, you haven’t allowed age to deter you in achieving your dreams. And for mentoring the younger generation, we comment you dearly.
Today relinquishes blessings , hope, and favour for you. We pray for supernatural health, strength and a sound mind in the years ahead as you continue to fashion a way forward for our dear Beromland.
Nken neros a Dara, gbong gwom jek BECO mwa jei.