The painful passage of our mother, matriarch and a committed fighter in defense and interest of the land and its people, can only be better imagined. We accept without any equivocation, that all mortals have a destiny with death.  Also, that there is a day to be born and a day to die, but the death of heroes and heroines is mourned not only among mortals, but into the beyond.
Ngo Naomi Jugu, could not have evaded the responsibility of leadership placed upon her by destiny. She was borne into a family of dogged fighters and heroes/heroines. Her immediate elder sister, our dear Ngo Hannatu Chollom, of blessed memory, set the ball rolling, thus making it natural and inevitable for her (Ngo Naomi) to follow suit.  Their youthful days came with great challenges, especially for the Berom nation, that history beckoned on to the strong and courageous to step out and stand in the gap. Ngo Naomi answered the call and took up the challenge.
All her days Ngo symbolized the struggle for a better society for her people, even in the worst of circumstances and situations. She did not betray the cause of her people and land, even in the face of losses and deprivations of many personal beneficial and gainful opportunities, from the state. Today we look back with great satisfaction, admiration and pride at Ngo Naomi’s sacrifices and commitment to the cause of our people and the land. We, and future generations, will continue to hold Ngo Naomi in the highest esteem and her name will remain a reference point in selfless leadership and struggle for a better Berom nation.
BECO mourns the passage of a tested leader and a heroine and prays God almighty, to comfort her immediate family and the entire Beromland over this irreparable loss.
 Sleep On Ngo….
Chollom Dung Gyang
Secretary General