The Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO), on behalf of the Berom nation, home and in the diaspora, rejoices with our father, leader, mentor, and forthright, versatile and skillful administrator of men and resources, Da, Dr, Dist. Sen. Jonah David Jang, on your birthday today.
Sir, it’s a very rare privileged for us to have you as our leader at a time like this, when leadership has been callously bastardised and destroyed. It is even a greater honour to have access to you, without hindrance, and tap of your immense reservoir of experience, knowledge and wisdom. We greatly thank God for keeping you in good health, peace of mind and contentment.
Dara, as your days increase, so shall your wisdom and favour from God and men. We pray God almighty, to keep you in the realm of His protection, grant you the utmost desires of your heart, protect you in your going out and coming in and cause His countenance to continually shine upon you. We love you Sir.
Da Chollom Gyang,
Secretary General