
The Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO), received with utmost sadness, shock and grief, the news of the sad demise of our dear mother, Ngo Lydia Bot Mang, mother of Hon. Pam Bot Mang, gubernatorial running mate to Dr Nentawe Yilwatda, the gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in the forthcoming elections in Plateau state.

We are saddened by the fact that Ngo left at a time her guidance, counseling and advise were greatly needed, not only by her immediate family but the state at large. This is because of her vast experience and exposure in her career, parenting and life generally.

BECO deeply mourns the passage of Ngo and comisserates with the Bot Mang family of za’ang district, the Berom nation and the state, over this painful and irreparable loss. We pray God Almighty to grant the soul of Ngo a peaceful rest and comfort the family.

Da Chollom Gyang

Secretary General